There are several Python libraries that can be used to create administrative interfaces for web applications. Some popular ones include:
Django Admin: Django is a high-level Python web framework that includes a built-in administrative interface. The Django Admin interface is a powerful tool for managing the data and settings of a Django-powered website. It is designed to be easy to use and provides a range of functionality, including the ability to add, edit, and delete records, manage user accounts, and run custom actions on selected records.
Flask-Admin: Flask is a lightweight Python web framework that can be used to create administrative interfaces. Flask-Admin is a popular third-party library that provides a simple and flexible way to create administrative interfaces for Flask applications. It supports a range of data types and includes features such as pagination, form validation, and support for custom views and actions.
Pyrogram Admin: Pyrogram is a Telegram client library for Python that can be used to create administrative interfaces for Telegram bots. Pyrogram Admin provides an easy-to-use interface for managing the data and settings of a Telegram bot, and it supports a range of data types and actions, including message sending, user management, and custom commands.
Sanic Admin: Sanic is an asynchronous Python web framework that can be used to create high-performance web applications. Sanic Admin is a third-party library that provides a simple and flexible way to create administrative interfaces for Sanic applications. It includes features such as pagination, form validation, and support for custom views and actions.
These are just a few examples of the many libraries available for creating administrative interfaces in Python. The best library for your needs will depend on the requirements of your specific project, as well as your personal preferences and experience.